Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tattoo Removal at Our Clinic

At the Tattoo Clinic, we offer different types of treatment for our patients.

1. Precautions to take following your laser treatment :

* Avoid direct exposure to the sun. Use a sunblock.
* Do not rub, scratch or pick at the treated area.
* A protective dressing should be applied if the area is irritated by clothing or jewelery.
* Do not apply make-up until the crust disappears.(Usually 2 to 4 days)
* Avoid swimming and contact sport while any crusts are present.
* If the treated area shows signs of infection (tenderness, redness, swelling or pus), notify your dermatologist.

2. Can tattoos be permanently removed?

For a variety of reasons, people may request for tattoos to be removed. These may range from social (you can't have a tattoo for a new job) to cultural (no longer fashionable). It can even be for health reasons, as some may develop an allergic reaction because of the inks used in tattooing.

The removal of tattoos however, used to be a painful affair - and would leave unsightly scars. Fortunately with medical advancements, dermatological surgeons have developed safe and effective techniques to remove tattoos.

3. What technologies are available for removing tattoo?

The most common techniques used are:

* Laser Surgery

The surgeon removes the tattoo by selectively treating the pigment colors with a high-intensity laser beam. Lasers have become the standard treatment because they offer a "bloodless," low risk, highly effective approach with minimal side effects.

Depending on the tattoo inks used, multiple treatments may be required.


The surgeon "sands" the skin, removing the surface and middle layers of the tattoo. The combination of surgical and dressing techniques helps to raise and absorb the tattoo inks.

Surgical Excision

The surgeon removes the tattoo with a scalpel and closes the wound with stitches. This technique proves highly effective in removing some tattoos and allows the surgeon to excise inked areas with great control.

4. Are there side effects or complications?

Generally side effects are minor, but may include skin discoloration of the treated skin area. Sometimes infection of the tattoo site may happen, or there may be some skin scarring.

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